Happy Father’s Day, Dad

ALT="construction crew from 1953"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day. It’s been a very long time since I wished my dad “Happy Father’s Day.” So here goes …


Daddy was a California farmer.

He wore long-sleeved shirts against the sun, regardless of the season.

He carried his wedding ring in his wallet where it impressed a permanent circle rather than catch on something and cost him a finger.

The right front pocket of his work pants held a pocketknife that he sharpened on a grinding stone, and he could do just about anything with that knife—

Peel an orange fresh from the tree.

Remove a splinter from the finger of a trembling little girl.

Make a whistle from a willow branch, notching it at just the right intervals.

He taught me to swim by throwing me in the pool, then kneeling at the edge with his arms out, shouting, “Swim over here to me!”

He taught me to drive by lifting me to the tractor seat and showing me how to stand on the brake when I wanted to stop.

He taught me how to shoot a gun, ride a horse, and work a shovel. Set irrigation pipe.

He tried to teach me how to dance, but that didn’t go so well.

He was a preacher and a building *contractor. A husband and a veteran.

He wasn’t perfect, but he loved me.

Thank you, Daddy.

Happy Father’s Day.


He wasn't perfect, but he loved me. Share on X
An Impossible Price by Davalynn Spencer
Available now!

     “Cash? You have enough cash to buy a small ranch?”
     The deep-chested laugh rolled out and Clay wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer. “Are you wonderin’ if I robbed a bank?”
     He was toying with her, and Sophie didn’t appreciate it. She stiffened slightly. “I know you wouldn’t do that, but it’s about all I know of you.”
     They came to a dip in the road, and he lifted his arm from her shoulders and took the reins in both hands. “It’s from sale of the family farm out east, past La Junta.”
     Silenced for a moment by the sudden influx of information, she began forming pictures of his childhood. He had a family after all. At least a mother and father. Siblings?
    “Do you—”
    “I don’t talk about ’em.”
    End of conversation.      ~An Impossible Price


Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2020 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

 #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance


*Photo courtesy of Facebook page Porterville Our Past. “Volunteer Work Team – Porterville Community Swimming Pool July 1953 Left to right standing: Joe Elliott (secty-mgr-Chamber of Commerce, Dave Chamberlain (contractor), Frank Sheldon (Modern Plumbing & Supply Co.), Bob Board (Tel.Co.), Lester Braly (Tel. Co.), Sid Wheeler (Modern Plumbing & Supply Co.), Carroll Simmons (Tel. Co.), Andy Anderson (Modern Plumbing), Ronnie Barnard (Tel. Co.), Jay Brewer (Tel. Co.), Rodney Wiens (Porterville College), Freeland Wilson (Tel Co.). Left to right kneeling: Hank Brovelli, Tom Landers, Cole Johnson, Bob Adams (all are Tel Co. employees)”

6 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day, Dad

  1. Karen Gee

    I have fond memories of my Father. Also a farmer in my early childhood. He was very loving. Very generous, especially with his time. He never hesitated to lend a helping hand when someone needed help.
    I always knew he loved his family. Never a doubt.
    He is in heaven now with my mother. I’m sure they are happy to be there together again.
    And one day we will all be reunited.
    Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers everywhere!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you for sharing your memories, Karen.

  2. I met my Dad when I was about 11 years old.
    Always an interesting phrase to open a conversation with, eh?

    He married my mom when I was 12 1/2, and adopted us when I was about 14.
    I’m always amazed how many of his traits I have. I even limp like he does.
    Occasionally, certain types of people ask the incredible question “Yeah, but what about your REAL dad?” I’ll tell them, “well, he is real, he’s not made up at all.”

    He’s not perfect either, but he loves me.

    1. davalynn

      I love this, Jennifer. Yes. Real Dad. In so many ways.

  3. Kathleen Lautaret

    Davalynn, I heed your advice in all the comments I have read from e-mails and also the prose in your stories! The recent one that has helped me so much is the one you shared about success. Success finally realized has been filled with failures, set backs and getting back in the saddle after a fall. Thank you so much because now I have a positive outlook about success! My Dad was a pharmacist. He provided for his family of four kids and my Mom. He raised all of his kids to be successful. I am thankful for his input throughout my life. He is in heaven with my Mom, my younger brother, John and my step-Mom. He was successful in business, however relationships caused him some aggravation. I have forgiven him his failings and love his memories of fishing trips and walks along the Arkansas River!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing such life-changing memories.


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