By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer
Eleven years ago at one of my earliest book signings, I sat behind a little table near the front of a Colorado Bible/book store, surrounded by everything Duck Dynasty.
Talk about a duck out of water – that was me. My book had nothing to do with calls, waterfowl blinds, or camouflage clothing.
However, I couldn’t have had a better seat.
From my chair near the front entrance, I had an unavoidable view of a large, artistic rendition of Psalm 37:4 –
Delight yourself in the LORD,
and He will give you
the desires of your heart.
As a fledgling novelist, my heart had been wavering where desire was concerned. Oh, it wasn’t a desire like, “Oooh, I’d really like to have (whatever)!” My desire to write was a heart-longing, and I believed that longing had come from God.
Like most Christians, I was quite familiar with the cause-and-effect promise in Psalm 37, but nothing was happening with my writing. My dream was languishing. Was I to shove it in a drawer behind other unfinished projects and turn to more immediate responsibilities?
Discouragement had me in its crosshairs. However, pinned down near the Dynasty display that Saturday morning, I saw Psalm 37:4 on the wall every time I looked up. My eyes were drawn to it like the gaze of weary hunters to firepit flames.
I began to suspect that the positioning of the artwork was purposeful—as intentional as the placement of my chair.
Keep going, it seemed to urge. Don’t give up.
I had once heard it said that God gives you the desires of your heart so He can give you the desires of your heart.
But what happens when nothing happens? Was I to ignore the desire? Forget about it? Let discouragement win?
Or would I dig in and work at it by educating myself, perfecting my skills, praying, and waiting patiently?
Even duck hunters need to learn, improve, and wait.
I went home that Saturday evening with very few books sold, but the store owners bought several copies for their shelves. A pity-purchase, I felt.
But spending the day facing what God said about our desires somehow encouraged me.
Today, twenty-one books later, I look back on that day at the book store, grateful that I didn’t give up. Now I give thanks.
The Lord planted the desire in me to work with words. Then He helped me develop the skills, tied knots in my ropes so I could hold on over time, and made my dream a reality.
Now my heart sings a song of thanksgiving.
What about you? During this thankful holiday period, consider what God has brought you through, trained you for, or given you over time. And give back to Him your thanks.
The LORD is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart
is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7
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The room grew quiet, every voice hushed, every hand stilled, and Etta peeked to see every head bowed, even the Eversons’. She’d never attended a church social quite like this, and her heart overflowed with gratitude for the providential hand that led her to Lockton.
At Bern’s “amen,” she realized she’d missed his prayer, so full she’d been of her own thanksgiving.
In a most random yet orderly fashion, families rose from the circle and helped themselves at the serving tables. But never was there a crush of people or a line waiting. People simply flowed in and out of the larger group until everyone was seated again and enjoying the food and those who shared it with them.
Etta became more and more agitated and could not determine why. By the time she’d pushed her fork through sliced ham, sweet yams, and dressing, her hand shook so visibly she was afraid to try Dottie’s pudding for fear she’d splatter her skirt with it. ~Mail-Order Misfire
Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.
(c) 2024 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.
#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance #CowboyRomance