Focus on the Promises – Not the Problem

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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath, but I think we’ve titled it wrong. It should be called King Saul and a Shepherd Boy.

Goliath is not a main character. He’s the main pain, but he’s a secondary character at best. The real action takes place in the hearts of Saul and David.

Saul did not know God well and, therefore, didn’t remember His interventions in the history of his nation. He panicked at the threats of Goliath, the opposing army’s champion.

David did not have Saul’s age, weapons, or experience in battle, but he knew God intimately. He recalled what the Lord had done in other situations and remembered the protective power of God at the fling of a small stone.

That knowledge made all the difference.

Goliath wasn’t anything special. Sure, he was big, ugly, and mean, but so are giants we face today like despair, fear, heartache, and others.

When we call to remembrance the interventions and blessings of God in our lives, that knowledge creates a foundation of faith. Especially if we verbalize it like David did:

“The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear
will rescue me from this Philistine!”
I Samuel 17:37 (NLT)

We can fight forgetfulness by writing a list of all the times God has come to our rescue. Then the next time we face an intimidating giant, we can say with David,

“The Lord who rescued me from _____

will rescue me from _____.”

Fill in the blanks with knowledge and grow in faith.


My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6

Read the entire story of King Saul, David, and the giant in I Samuel 17:1-58

Focus on the promises, not the problem. Share on X

The Wrangler's Woman by author Davalynn SpencerOver the next five miles, Josiah Hanacker chewed on his sister-in-law’s threat. Truth was, parts of her letter nettled him like a cocklebur. His motherless daughter, Jess, sat her horse astride in her brother’s old denims and out-grown boots, her braids stuffed under her hat. Before long she’d be faced with the way of a woman, and Josiah couldn’t help her a lick then. He had three months before Beatrice showed up, and if Jess wasn’t cleaned up like a girl ought to be, he might lose her. The vise around his chest tightened. He’d rather die.

At the border to his property, he pulled up. “Lord, I need Your help. I can’t lose my girl to that ol’ hide.” He glanced apologetically at a sky so close to the color of his children’s eyes that it twisted his heart inside him. As did the thought of a full summer’s work ahead—haying and cutting wood and doctoring cows and every other thing that sucked daylight out of a man.

He took in the wide park dappled with grazing cattle. The cedar barn, the house, and outbuildings tucked up against the hillside on the east. His band of mares must have found themselves a private valley over the first ridge.

Warmth grew in his belly like a fire on the hearth. “Thank You, Lord. You’ve blessed us. I imagine You won’t fail us now.”

He drew a deep breath, and with it came a crazy idea that darted through his mind like a swallow on a bug. It was worth a try. ~The Wrangler’s Woman


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(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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8 thoughts on “Focus on the Promises – Not the Problem

  1. Kelly Grillion

    I always get inspiration from your writing whether it be a novel or post. Thank you for sharing the gift God has given you. Love you friend.

    1. davalynn

      Oh my goodness, thank you, Kelly. So glad the words are a blessing, my friend.

  2. Karen Gee

    I agree with Kelly and say “Amen!”
    Bless you for using your gifts to encourage others!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Karen. His encouragement and words are a gift to me.

  3. Deanna Sturgeon

    So thankful God helps us fight our giants!

    1. davalynn

      Amen, Deanna!

  4. Elaine

    Davalynn, your writing always hits the mark and makes me stop and reflect on my many blessing and the many prayers God has answered in my life.

    1. davalynn

      I’m so glad, Elaine. Praise God!


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