Face-to-Face Love

ALT="child looking through playground equipment window"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

You’ve probably watched a parent hold their child close and pour in their love. Eye to eye. Face to face.

Maybe you’ve even done it yourself.

Holding a little one close to our face is often symbolic of how we hold them close to our heart. 

As an earthly parent adores the child of his love and hugs her close, so the Lord adores us and draws us near if we let Him.

The Psalmist wrote of God’s people and His victories on their behalf:

It was not by their sword that they won the land,

nor did their arm bring them victory;

it was your right hand, your arm,

and the light of your face, for you loved them.

(Psalm 44:3 NIV)

Notice the progression, closer and closer, from hand to arm to face. 

Many times we’ve seen God’s hand in our lives. We’ve even seen the strength of His arm. But have we let Him draw us so close that we see the light of His face?

The better question may be, have we drawn close enough to Him?

Come close to God, and God will come close to you. (James 4:8 NLT)


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ALT="cover to Snow Angel"
Historical Christmas-romance novella available for pre-order today! Release date for Kindle Unlimited Nov. 1, 2018.


From a child’s perspective…

He wore a thick brown coat like a big bear. A fur cap covered his head and ears, and his face had a light inside it, like a lamp shining behind a curtain. He smiled, and it made her feel sleepy and safe and cozy all at the same time. But what she noticed most were his eyes—blue crystals. They smiled too, with little lines spreading out at the corners.   

                                                           ~prologue to Snow Angel







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