Death … or New Direction?

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Death of the human body, a dream, or a goal is not necessarily painless, but it can be easy if one let’s go in faith — like the dying believer who knows His God awaits him. Because death is not the end, but the beginning of a new life, a new dream, or a new goal — a new direction that perhaps we didn’t see before.

But what if death does not come? What if transition tarries, and it’s hard, really hard? Then what? Do we believe God is with us still, in the rehab ward where progress is measured in centimeters? In the cold dark desert where ideas once flourished and only partial thoughts remain? In the bleak job market where no one seems to want our skills?

Will we take God at His word and believe that He is with us even there?

The dilemma is centuries old. We can choose to be Job or we can choose to be his wife.

Perhaps the road God asks us to walk is one of faithfulness in spite of pain, frustration, or defeat.

Are we called to support and encourage yet see no measurable improvement?

Then encourage we must.

Are we called to pray yet see no answers to our prayers?

Then pray we must.

Are we called to sing, yet no one is around to hear our songs?

Then sing we must.

Christ is with us in the hard way of life. His presence abides. It is a matter of trust, and when we lean into Him through the fog that dims our sight, we feel His warmth, His strength.

He is there. He is faithful.

It is a lesson we learn in the living.

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” –Jesus
Hebrews 13:5

Christ is with us in the hard way. Share on X

Covering Grace by author Davalynn SpencerDan went out the back, locking the door. This was a fine setup for his sick father—living in the back of a store on Main Street. Dan refused to take a room and leave him all day in a hotel with no one to look in on him. He’d given Berkshire’s boarding house some thought, but after this morning’s incident, that option was off the table.

Good God, what am I supposed to do?

Smitty got the mare and buggy up in no time, and Dan drove around to the back of the shop. No wind or breeze to speak of, but he still bundled his father in blankets and a stocking cap as if it were snowing and carried him to the waiting buggy.

His heart bore a much heavier load than his arms as he lifted Pop to the seat. After securing blankets around his father’s ankles and adjusting the muffler at his neck, Dan propped a pillow between the arm rest and the man. The dearest, smartest, strongest man he’d ever known, now with less stamina than a child.

Since his wife’s death, Daniel Waite, Sr. had all but given up.

Dan had moved back into his parents’ Denver home, worked to salvage the hat shop and restore his father’s desire to live. He’d failed at both.

His last hope was Cañon City and the Hot Springs Hotel and bath house. Healing waters, he’d read. Good for all sorts of ailments and diseases. They’d come last year, and Dan bought the long, narrow shop, with living quarters above that they couldn’t use because of the stairs. At least there was a storeroom. ~Covering Grace

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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2 thoughts on “Death … or New Direction?

  1. Tom Edwards

    Thank you, Davalyn! It was good for me to read these encouragements!

    1. davalynn

      So glad it was a blessing to you, Tom.


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