Are You Willing To Be Willing?


By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

One morning last week as I read Matthew 14, I was struck by the approachableness and positivity of Jesus.

Loosely paraphrased, here’s what I saw:

Setting: Small inland sea at night, high wind, boat full of weary men sent ahead of their leader to the other side of the lake. They start seeing things.

Jesus: (Walking on the water toward the boat.) “Hey guys, I’m here!”

Peter: (In the boat, a little freaked out.) “If it’s really you, tell me I can come out there too.”

Jesus: “Sure, come on!”

Peter: (Jumps out, walks across the waves.) “Cool!” (Notices the waves.) “Help!”

Jesus: (Grabs Peter.) “Why did you doubt?”

Things could have gone a lot differently.

Jesus: “I’m here. What’s taking you so long?”

Peter: “If it’s really you, tell me I can come out there too.”

Jesus: “No, you can’t do it. You’ll sink. Maybe another time.”

Peter: “But you’re always saying—”

Jesus: “Hurry up. I’ve got places to go, people to heal.”

Do you think Jesus knew Peter was going to sink?

I’m sure He did.

But He also knew Peter was willing.

Jesus was willing. He didn’t discourage Peter because He knew what was possible. I think He wanted Peter (and the others) to know it too.

Peter walked on the water a lot longer than the other guys in the boat. They didn’t even get out.

Peter walked on the water a lot longer than I have. I’ve never even tried.

The point?

Jesus is willing. Are we?

Jesus knows what we can do when we trust Him. He knows what is possible.

What’s He asking us to do that we think is impossible?

  • Get out of our comfort zone?
  • Tell someone else about Him?
  • Forgive a certain individual?
  • Volunteer our time?
  • Tithe?

God, make us willing to be willing.

God, make us willing to be willing. Share on X Jesus is still willing. Share on X
ALT="An Improper Proposal"
An Improper Proposal


Henry’d had such good intentions, at least Mae Ann assumed so by the wording of his will. Tears pricked her eyes anew, but not for loss of Henry. She’d been willing to marry him and work beside him, but she’d never known him. Now she was responsible for his land, and rightfully so, according to Judge Murphy. Was it wrong to sell it?                                   ~An Improper Proposal






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