Always Before Me

ALT="Dawn over Pikes Peak"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

New beginnings. Technically, that’s a redundant phrase – like tuna fish.

If something is a beginning, then it’s new. And if it’s new, then it’s the beginning of something different.

However, our ears seem to like the sound of “new beginnings.” It rings with hope.

In two days, we’ll see the beginning of a new calendar year – 2020. For some people, the arrival of a new year stirs anticipation and excitement. Yet for others, it generates fear and uncertainty. After all, the unknown is closer than we think, right?

As I trade 2019 for 2020 in my desktop planner and change the calendar on my wall, my life verse rises to the occasion:

I have set the Lord always before me;
because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 16:8

At first glance, this verse appears to be a contradiction. How can God be ahead of me and right beside me at the same time?

He can because He’s God.

Since He lives outside of time, unconstrained by clock and calendar, God is already around the bend. He’s already in the New Year. He’s already where I’m going, and He knows what I’ll need when I get there.

But He’s also beside me every step of the way.

Only God can pull that off.

Where do we meet God – in the past? No, because we can’t get there.

Do we meet Him in the future? No, we can’t get there either.

Only in the moment – the present – do we connect with Him. Maybe that’s why the Apostle Paul quoted Isaiah when he wrote, “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). 

Because of God’s unfettered existence, He can be “always before me,” already around the bend before I get there, yet also “at my right hand,” with me every step of the way.

What better promise with which to enter a new decade? Could 2020 be the metaphorical year of clearer vision?

Only with the Lord beside us and before us will we be able to find out.

Let’s give Him the chance to change our lives and clear our view.


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A High-Country Christmas


Wil Bergman wakes in a stranger’s house with a busted leg, a bullet-creased scalp, and no horse. Trail-weary, robbed, and penniless, his dreams and plans for a future are suddenly unattainable. Forced to recuperate in the home of a country doctor, he finds himself at the mercy of a surgeon whose sister’s healing touch has power to stitch up his lonely heart and open his eyes to the impossible. ~Snow Angel, part of A High-Country Christmas: Romance Collection

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2019 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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4 thoughts on “Always Before Me

  1. Lori Smanski

    This is a wonderful post. Lots of thoughtful parts. Thank you. Happy New Year, may it be full of blessings and wonder.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Lori. And a blessed New Year to you.

  2. Donna Ackermann

    I always love your thoughtful posts!! Happy New Year!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Donna. New Year blessings to you.


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