All Things New

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

“If God can make everything new again, in spite of the hard, painful parts, then we should let Him.”

Sounds like an obviously simple concept, right?

Simple, perhaps, but not easy. There’s a difference.

The quote is from my latest book, An Unexpected Redemption, Book 2 of the Front Range Brides series. A reviewer chose these words as one of her favorite lines from a character in the story who isn’t taking God at His word—just like us.

That’s the interesting thing about fiction. It’s full of truth.

How often do we feel we have to earn God’s forgiveness, clean up our lives so we deserve His attention?

That’s cart-before-the-horse thinking. Or as I like to put it, effect-before-cause thinking.

We love others, do good things, and respond in kindness because He loved us, not to make ourselves worthy so He will love us.

Does anyone ever truly deserve a second chance? Or are second chances all about grace, which is undeserved favor?

Let’s take God at His word and allow Him to make all things new for us.

“Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”                                         Rev. 21:5 NKJV


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From the fire in her eye, he fully expected her to ignite.          -An Unexpected Redemption






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