A Cup of Cold Water

ALT="a cup of cold water"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

How valuable is a cup of cold water to someone who is hot, dry, and thirsty?

Jesus told His disciples that when they gave so much as a cup of cold water to a child, their deed was worthy of reward (Matthew 10:42). 

Cold water was a rare and precious commodity in the days of Christ on earth. It is not rare today in wealthier nations, but it is still precious when a person is parched and thirsty. Images of ice-cold water sell the bottled product worldwide. It refreshes, revitalizes, invigorates.

On the other hand, what person who is winter-weary and chilled to the bone reaches for anything but a hot cup of coffee or soup, something to warm his hands and body from the inside out?

Each has its place, hot and cold.

The same Jesus who encouraged the gift of cold water spoke to the apostle John as the latter penned the book of Revelation. In the message to the church of Laodicea (3:14-21) the people are called out for being neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm. They are warned to be one or the other, or risk being spit out of God’s mouth.

I know your deeds,
that you are neither cold nor hot.
I wish you were either one or the other!
So, because you are lukewarm
– neither hot nor cold –
I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Rev. 3:15-16

Today we often miss the little word n/or distinguishing between hot and cold. We rush to the conclusion that we must be hot – on fire, burning with the good news of Christ.

But fiery speech is not the only method of reaching someone with the truth that Jesus loves them and died to pay for their sins. What about that cup of cold water the Lord mentioned to His disciples?

Shouldn’t we be sensitive to the need of the moment? Does a person need hot, deeply burning realization or cold refreshing relief?

I believe the message to believers is to be one or the other – hot or cold. Restore, heal, and comfort or refresh and invigorate.

Let’s not be blah and insensitive, unmoved by another’s suffering. Give them the Water of Life they need, whether it is cold or hot.


A cup of cold water. Share on X

ALT="Change of Scenery woman by river Davalynn SpencerCale screwed his hat down, blocking his view of anyone trying to catch his eye as he strode to the back porch and the wash tub. With absolutely no intention of looking through the kitchen window to see if Ella was inside.

He hung his hat on a peg, kept his head down, and rolled his sleeves up. Cold water had a way of clearing a fella’s brain, especially when splashed in his face over and over again. Eyes closed, he braced his hands on the edge of the tub for a minute, then reached for the towel. Log wall met his fingers, and he jabbed a splinter beneath a nail. Dadbla—

“Looking for this?”

His eyes popped open to the towel dangling from the fingers of one Miss Ella Canaday. Everything he could, should, or ought to say stampeded through his mind, but not one single word lined up proper behind another. He took the towel, pulled out the splinter, then wiped his neck and jaw.

Two words clicked into place. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“When did you—”

“Just now. I held the screen quiet.”

He rubbed the towel over his head. He was worse off than he thought if she could walk right out on the porch without him hearing her. ~A Change of Scenery

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(c) 2021 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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2 thoughts on “A Cup of Cold Water

  1. Karen Gee

    Rev 3:15-16 has always been a special set of verses for me! It was my inspiration to be saved many years ago.
    Your explanation was very good.
    Sometimes it’s the small continuous blessings that we can give to others that make a big impact.
    We need to look for ways to “give a cup of water” to those who need it, in the name of Jesus.
    We pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Karen. Yes, the little things we do can make a big difference for the Lord.


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