Suddenly September

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

It’s suddenly September. Well, I guess it’s not exactly sudden, but it sure feels that way.

On August 8, a month ago, the sun rose at 6:07 a.m. on Colorado’s Front Range and set at 7:59 p.m.

Today, sunrise was at 6:34 a.m. and the sun set at 7:16 p.m.

That’s more than an hour difference in daylight this month compared to last. What happened?

Here in the northern hemisphere, we’ve been losing a little daylight ever since the summer solstice on June 21. But in August we lose daylight at a faster pace – roughly two minutes every day, more than an hour by the end of the month.

It’s similar to the “overnight” success of musicians, artists, and actors who skyrocket to fame after years of small steps and hard work.

Nothing sudden about it.

There is no way I’m going to try to explain Earth’s tilt, rotation, and orbit in relation to the change of daylight hours. If that sort of thing intrigues you, check out this Science and Technology page for Middle School designed by the Smithsonian Science Education Center. 

My point is – sometimes things sneak up on us.

Or do they?

Most of us have heard about watching paint dry and grass grow. Neither activity appears to be identifiable to the human eye, but both are measurable and, given enough time, noticeable.

It’s the same way with the musician who practices for hours everyday, improving incrementally as he does so.

It’s the same way with our eating habits. What we feed on becomes apparent over time.

And it’s the same way with our spiritual growth.

What we fill ourselves with eventually produces a type of fruit, whether fretful or peaceful.

Over the last several months, our world has seen nations, states, and communities stirred, and the ripples are unsettling. But unsettling times have come and gone before our own days in the sunlight. And the thing to remember is that none of them caught God off guard.

We may not understand the mystery of what He allows, but we can count on the mastery of His power.

In the midst of chaos, grab hold of Him and cling to His peace. He’s there, so close that you can hear His whisper.

Feed on His promises. Read the comfort He gives us in His word. The books of Psalms and Isaiah are two of my favorites.

And pray.

Pray for your families and loved ones, community leaders, and governmental representatives – whether you voted for them or not.

Remember, God has seen the world spin and tilt before.

He’s got this. The closer you are to Him, the more His peace permeates.


From the rising of the sun to its going down
The Lord’s name is to be praised.
Psalm 113:3

Grab hold of Him. Share on X

Covering Grace by author Davalynn SpencerGrace turned to find Dan leaning against the buggy, arms folded and one boot cocked up behind him on a wheel spoke. No impatience about him, but an easy, peaceful smile. “You’ll make a great mother.”

Her face warmed and she ducked her head as he handed her up to the seat.

Light fell fast on their way home, and Grace bundled herself in the quilts and blankets and scooted as close as possible to Dan. “Do you think your father and Dorrie are doing all right without us?”

He chuckled deep in his chest and the vibration worked through his arm and into hers. “They’re probably glad to be by themselves for a change.”

The mare’s easy gate set a rhythmic pace that had Grace close to dozing in the dusk. “Hmm.”

Dan raised his arm and pulled her close against him, kissing the top of her head. “Why didn’t you stay at the ranch when you returned? Move in with your family rather than coming to town?”

“There wasn’t enough room.” She snuggled against him, aware only of his warmth and the rocking of the buggy. “But there was plenty of history, and I needed a new story. Not a rehashing of the old one.”

For a long moment he said nothing, then made a sweeping left turn that she knew took them off the ranch road and onto the road to Cañon City.

His voice came soft and low, as comforting as the quilts around her. “I’m glad the Lord brought you back to town. I can’t imagine my own story without you in it.” ~Covering Grace

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2024 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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2 thoughts on “Suddenly September

  1. Kathy Phillips

    I absolutely love your blogs. Each time one comes through my email chain, I get excited. This one, though, was really what I needed to hear. My favorite line was, “What we fill ourselves with eventually produces a type of fruit, whether fretful or peaceful.” I really feel God speaking to me through you with your blogs. You have a way of writing that blesses me so much. Thank you for being that vessel.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you so much, Kathy. Praise God for the ways He speaks to us and encourages us. I’m so glad these posts are a blessing to you.


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