It’s the Little Things

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

It’s the little things that make me lose my patience, my cool, or my grip on appropriate vocabulary in the English language.

One of those little things is pictured above. Look closely at the wheel and note the nuts holding the bolts in place on the bracket that holds the axle that holds the wheel that provides mobility for the wheelbarrow.

When I have a load of wood and one of those nuts unscrews itself and falls off where I will never find it, the axle slips, the wheel drops, and the load dumps right there, wherever I am, which is never where I want to be.

It happened twice last week.

A neighbor tightened the nuts for me, much tighter than I could get them myself. Problem solved. (Problem solved even further by using lock nuts.) 

However, it’s also the little things that make a huge difference. Take the house key, for example. A two-inch piece of soft metal gives me access to my home. Without it, I might be breaking a window to get inside.

Most of the time, I take the little things in my life for granted. I overlook their importance, simply counting on them to be there when I need them.

But if I neglect them, they are not there when I need them.

An anonymous proverb quoted in variation over the centuries makes the point quite clear:

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


One of the most important “little things” in my life is the time I spend in the mornings with the Lord. Reading His word, praying, and listening for His guidance prepare me for the day before the clamor of the world breaks in.

As a forgetful and fallible human, I’m grateful for that most important little thing. I need an ongoing source of strength that keeps my wheels on and opens the door to peace in stressful times.

How about you? Are there little things in your life that you’ve been neglecting? Little things that, if given their due, could make a huge difference in how things go.

“Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines …”
Song of Solomon 2:15 NKJV


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ALT="An Improper Proposal"     At the top of the stairs, Cade Parker paused to see if his guest had roused. The hiss of water popping off the stove sent him down, past her unconscious form, and into the kitchen, where he grabbed the kettle handle without benefit of a towel. The clatter of the dropped kettle and his bad judgment would wake the dead, not to mention Mae Ann.
     What was he in such an all-fired hurry for? He stopped, realizing he still wore his hat, and hung it on a chair. Then he plowed his fingers across his scalp and filled his lungs. Tea. Hot water. A cup. Surely he could handle those three little things.
     And food. He spun around, taking in his kitchen and the remains of his last meal. Dirty dishes. Coffee. Day-old biscuits on the table. Cold beans and bacon in a pan.
     He set the pan over the fire, gave it a stir, and put two biscuits on a tin plate with a mug of tea. Leafy, but he didn’t know the whereabouts of the silver ball his ma had used. He picked up the plate, took another deep breath, and walked into the main room. Mae Ann Remington—Parker—sat straight up in his leather chair, staring at the cold hearth.
     She was beautiful.
     She’d removed her hat, and a splotch of color marked her cheeks. As he approached, she turned her head, dark eyes watching him like a deer in a thicket sensing death. He swallowed and forced what he hoped was a smile that would hide his relief and ease the tension in her shoulders. ~An Improper Proposal

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"Want a free book? Sign up for my Newsletter!

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(c) 2020 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

 #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance


6 thoughts on “It’s the Little Things

  1. Davalynn, I so appreciate the reminder to not neglect the little things. Especially when there are so many uncertainties in life, the “little thing” of spending time with Jesus makes all the difference in a day.

    1. davalynn

      Amen, Jeanne. Thanks for reading.

  2. Karen Gee

    Neglecting to set ones priorities can cause anxiety.
    Don’t neglect to be a blessing to someone each day.
    And I agree with Jeanne that blessing the Lord with honor and praise is a top priority. After all He has given us the gift of Eternal Life through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus!

    1. davalynn

      Absolutely, Karen!

  3. Nanci Carter Slattery

    Thank you , Davalynn, for shining a light on the really important parts of life! It seems, more times than not, what you share is exactly what I need to read.

    1. davalynn

      Such a blessing, Nanci. Thank you.


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