Try Again

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer 

Have you ever stood at the edge of the sea or a large lake and listened to waves lap against the shore? Or cradled yourself in a gently rocking boat, relaxing as you drifted with the breeze?

How about making your way to shore after a long and discouraging night of fishing that netted you nothing?

Peter, a professional fisherman in first-century Judea, had likely experienced the first two scenarios, but we know for certain he was quite familiar with the last one.

Imagine his irritation when, after an unsuccessful night at work, he is told by a carpenter he had just met to push his boat out into the deep and let down his nets for a catch.

Try again, the man said.

Been there, done that, Peter replied. I’m a fisherman, you’re not, he might have thought. But he pushed out anyway. What did he have to lose at the suggestion of a carpenter-turned-itinerate teacher?

A whole boatload of fish. (Luke 5:1-11)

A similar scenario took place three years later. Peter and his pals had been fishing all night with no success. At dawn, someone shouted from the shore, “Cast your net from the right side of the boat and you’ll find some.” Try again.

I’m guessing those words sounded pretty familiar to Peter. He and his friends obeyed, and they caught more fish than they could pull into the boat. (John 21:1-14)

Twice when Peter-the-fisherman failed at his profession, Jesus was there to say, “Try again.”

These two incidents serve as bookends for the intersection of Peter’s life with Jesus. Fish bookends. Peter understood fish.

When I’m frustrated and want to quit, Jesus often says to me, “Try again.”

When I want to give up and walk away, He whispers, “Try again.”

When temptation arrives in the guise of quitting, His quiet “try again” helps me recognize it as the enemy of obedience.

The next time the Lord encourages me to “try again” with something at which I have failed, I want to listen and obey more quickly.

Without whining.


Quitting is the enemy of obeying Share on X

A Change of Scenery by author Davalynn SpencerCale slipped through the corral poles and unlatched the north gate, then waved his hat and hollered at the ponies till they lit out. Doc’s graceful lope carried him ahead of the others. The gelding had a soft spot for that whip of a woman, the way he ate from Ella’s fingers almost dainty like. Doc’d be good to her if Cale could get her on him.

Combing a hand through his hair, he considered the other horses that were brought up. The boys’ old mare, Barlow, might be a fair choice. Wouldn’t spook if you lit her tail afire. Easygoing.

And why was he wasting his time considering a gentle mount for a woman who made it clear she didn’t ride?

He scoffed. A lie as plain as snow on Pikes Peak.

He resituated his hat, irritated that Ella Canaday drew his thoughts like a barn cat to cream. He savvied fear and figured she was fightin’ her head. But he also knew firsthand that a good spill called for gettin’ back in the saddle. His pa had been there for him when he was a youngster. Tossed Cale back up on the horse that had tossed him to begin with. There was nothing for it but to ride again, his pa insisted. And he’d been right. ~A Change of Scenery

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"FREE book and Newsletter!

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(c) 2021 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#AChangeOfScenery #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance


6 thoughts on “Try Again

  1. Donna Ackermann

    Without whining. That phrase really caught me! Nice blog today.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Donna.

  2. “The next time the Lord encourages me to “try again” with something at which I have failed, I want to listen and obey more quickly.

    Without whining.”

    Ohhhh, WOW!!!

    I love that!!

    Thank you!

    1. davalynn

      You are most welcome, Jennifer. You, my friend, are a person who completely understands “try again.” Your boatload of fish is closer than you think.

  3. Karen Gee

    Having watched the Chosen episode today with Simon Peter trying all night to catch fish and not catching one fish made me think.
    Should I keep trying to do something just out of determination or seek God and be obedient.
    We are blessed when we are obedient.
    It’s a “no brainer”!

    1. davalynn

      Karen – an amazing thing to see, isn’t it.


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