My Soul Waits … For What?

My Soul Waits … For What? - Davalynn Spencer

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

What does our soul wait for?

To be honest, wait isn’t on my list of “Fun Things to Do.” More often than not, I’ve classified wait with other (inappropriate) four-letter words.

However, the image of someone watching for the sunrise lends an air of expectancy, even awe, as their waiting is rewarded with a breathtaking, one-of-a-kind view.

Recently, I’ve been reading about Moses meeting with God. He waited for the Lord, spent time with Him, lingered in His presence. Because of that, Moses came away with a surprising fringe benefit: he glowed.

“… his face had become radiant because he had spoken to the Lord …”

(Exodus 34:29 NLT)

The people noticed. Moses’ friends and family noticed. Not your everyday occurrence.

Moses physically demonstrated what happens to each of us emotionally and spiritually: We take on the characteristics of that with which we spend time. We are porous people, and we absorb mannerisms, speech patterns, philosophies of life.

The Psalmist wrote: “With you is the fountain of life. In your light we see light. (Psalm 36: 9)

What an impact we could have on our immediate area of the world if we spent so much time with the Lord – in prayer, reading His word, worshipping and praising Him – that His light was noticeable.

Imagine the peace of His presence that could be transmitted to those around us, rather than stress and worry and complaint.

When He is real to us—and we spend time with Him—one way or another, it will show.

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“The Wrangler’s Woman” – the story of two imperfect people who discover they are a perfect match. The Cowboy’s Bride collection, nine novellas of love in the Old West.