Choose How You Remember

ALT="art by Larry Fanning of cowboy playing guitar for sweetheart"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Last Monday, on Memorial Day, we commemorated the men and women who have died in the service of our country.

But they’re not the only people we remember because some people—deceased or still living—are hard to forget, for reasons both good and bad.

Who do you remember?

Someone who hurt you or someone who helped you?

Someone who betrayed you or someone who bettered you?

Someone who left you or someone who loved you?

We don’t always have a say in what happens to us, but we have a say in what we think about and focus on.

Let’s choose the good. 

Let’s choose the redemptive.

Let’s choose the uplifting, even if we have to reach way down to pick it up.

Today I choose the man I chose once before. 

Happy anniversary, Cowboy.

Someday Soon


Choose how you remember. Share on X

Note: The picture above is from a Leanin’ Tree card the Cowboy gave me one year on our anniversary. He liked it so much, that he found another one just like it and gave it to me again the next year. Hard to forget.

(Original artwork copyright by Larry Fanning.)

ALT="An Unexpected Redemption book cover"


“It’s hard to come home again and not be remembered for who you were, dear.”                                                                                            ~An Unexpected Redemption






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(c) 2018 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.


4 thoughts on “Choose How You Remember

  1. Barbara Raymond

    This was a beautiful devotion. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary.

    1. Thank you so much, Barbara.

  2. Thank you for sharing that song.
    May God bless you both with His perfect peace that passes all understanding.
    The Joy of the Lord is our Strength! Nehamiah 8:10

  3. Amen, Karen. Thank you for reading!


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