All Things to Enjoy

ALT="Animal Crackers"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer 

I have treats for you.

Snacks – gotta love ’em, right? Especially if they’re shaped like little animals, have been around for 149 years, and can march across the top of the keyboard while you’re cooking up another novel.

ALT="computer keyboard"

Today I’m posting on Heroes, Heroines & History about Stauffer’s crackers, circa 1871. If you’re in the mood for some fun information, here’s the link.  I’m also giving away a signed copy of my Christmas collection there, so if you’d like your name entered in the random drawing, that same link is for you.

And let me just say – animal crackers are not just for children.

My second treat is information about the opportunity to pick up nearly thirty Christian love stories that are being offered for 99 cents each through tomorrow. Click on the image or this link for access. 


And last, but certainly not least, here’s a little something that the Bible has to say about what we enjoy:

“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17).

Don’t you think animal crackers fit in the “all things” category?

What’s your favorite snack?


They can march across the top of the keyboard. Share on X
ALT="Just in Time for Christmas audio cover"
Now available in audio.

     After spreading his clothes out next to Chester and adding more wood to the fire, Seth took a seat at the kitchen table. “Didn’t there used to be more chairs?”
     Abigale cut him a sidelong look that said “don’t ask,” but he already had.
     “Well? You chop ’em up for kindling?”
     “Funny.” She set a mug on the table and filled it with stout coffee. It’d been cooking all this time and could probably float a wagon wheel.
     She poured a cup for herself and brought a tin of D.F. Stauffer’s crackers to the table. “This will have to do. I haven’t baked anything since I arrived.”
     “When did you get here?”
     “Three days ago.” She sat in the other chair across the table, took a handful of crackers, and shoved the tin toward him. She never was big on formalities, but he figured that girls’ school might have rubbed off some of her charm.
     It hadn’t.      ~Just in Time for Christmas

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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