Have you tried the shadow of His wings?

This photograph captures three birds. The first two are obvious; the third one is entering their shelter. Can you spot it?

The snow-blanketed juniper in our back yard is one of many spreading varieties around our Colorado home that offer dry haven to rabbits, birds, and squirrels.

These tree/bushes spread their branches like wings, bending with the weight of the snow while sheltering small creatures that flourish in spite of harsh weather.

God offers a similar protection to His children, and lately I have been burrowing deep and close.

David, the great king wrote:

Because you are my help,

I sing in the shadow of your wings.

My soul clings to you;

Your right hand upholds me. Ps 63:7, 8

Sometimes the birds sing and I can’t see them. They’re hiding in the branches of their safe haven.

How great a God we have who would give to His people the shelter and protection of Himself.

Try it – sing in the shadow of His wings.

Have you ever pressed so close that you felt the feathers of His presence?

6 thoughts on “Have you tried the shadow of His wings?

  1. Thanks, Davalynn, for your insight. Always appreciagted.

    1. davalynn

      So glad you’re stopping by to read, Marjorie.

  2. Beautiful thought, thanks for sharing.

    1. davalynn

      Appreciate you stopping by, Cynthia.

  3. What a beautiful and comforting thought. Thanks for sharing.

    1. davalynn

      So glad you enjoyed it, Penny.


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