A Light on My Path

ALT="Shelf Road"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Last week my son posted a video of his drive to work in Cripple Creek, Colorado, along what is known as Shelf Road. (I shared it on my Facebook page.)

There is a very good reason this byway is called Shelf Road, or The Shelf, by those hearty souls who travel it day in and day out.

Or nights, as the case may be.

The Shelf was a stage route from Canon City to Cripple Creek in the 1890s and early 1900s. At either end, the road is just that—a road with gorgeous mountain vistas—until you get to what locals call the “High Shelf.”

Sans guardrails, pavement, pull-outs, or a second lane, the High Shelf snakes along sheer cliffs like, well, a shelf.

Once a driver makes it to the High Shelf, commitment comes quite naturally. There is no turning around. No pulling over to the side of the road because, quite frankly, there is no side of the road.

When driven at night, the adventure reminds me of navigating life by faith.

As the video and photo above show, a vehicle’s headlights shoot out only so far in the dark, less than two hundred feet, but that’s enough to light the way. As the driver progresses, so do the lights, revealing what lies just ahead, but not what’s around the next bend or a hairpin turn.

The driver has to trust that when he reaches the next bend or turn, his headlights will show him the way.

Isn’t that similar to our faith-walk with the Lord? We want to know our life’s route. We want to see around those shadowy turns up ahead, but the Lord says, “Trust Me. I’ll get you there.”

The Psalmist wrote, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” If we stop and think about it, that’s a pretty short beam, yet it shines onto the most critical part of our journey: where we are at the moment.

God’s word assures us of His presence, and His presence gives us peace and direction.

The next time we find ourselves navigating one of life’s High Shelf roads, let’s draw on His promises, remembering that Jesus is our Light. He’ll get us where we need to be if we trust Him.

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